
Hello everyone, 

Didn’t we have an exciting October and Halloween! There were spooks and ghouls, frights and laughter, and much fun was had by the SuperTones and the audience for  a midterm recital! In fact, so much fun was had, November has caught up on the SuperTones super quickly – and now that Halloween is over we are officially allowed to talk about Christmas, perviously and up to now, only referred to in hushed voices. 

We have not one, not two, but three concerts coming up for the festive season, and we are super excited about being able to share our Christmas repertoire with so many people. The SuperTones love to sing, and they really love it when they have the opportunity to showcase all of the hardwork they put in, with of course a large sprinkle of talent also. The SuperTones are busy busy busy practising all of the songs and actions for the upcoming concerts, keep an eye on our social media pages for upcoming concert dates! 

We hope to see you soon at one of our concerts!